My gorgeous country is absolutely "momoko sia" as a Tongan would say or in other words ridiculously COLD!
However it's an awesome place to be for me :). I'm VERY exited about church and especially cell groups these days. Realize the dynamic potential that's in these small fellowships. So encouraging others who lead them, as well as develop my own is an exiting challenge but what I love doing.
These are interesting times and as I am part of an international body of believers hearing about people being hurt and die while serving Jesus all over. Me and some mates just spend a " hours watching" the 3 Lord of the Rings movies and one line from the Return of the king movie stood out to me....."Lay aside the ranger and become the king you were born to be!". This is not the time to fall asleep and get comfortable. This is a time to rise up and start walking into your destiny and your inheritance. I was reading Proverb 16:4a "God made ALL things FOR Himself!" So if you are made you are made FOR HIM!!!!
HI! Howz it goin! i just came back from album recording.. it's was pretty much amazing! Man God is truly good! Sydney is not freezing btw.. it is hot! but it is getting colder.. atleast that is what they tell me..:)
Hey beautiful!
Heard about all the snow in Europe these days. Man, I sometimes miss the cold. Thought I would never say that. It's still hot here. I am sort of looking forward to the winter in Autralia, but I'll have to wait a few more months. Anyways..thanks for calling the other day. I love talking to you. You are truly an inspiration :)
It's a cold, cold month!!!
I'm freezing more today;)
Update! Update! Update!
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